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Road Maintenance


Public roadways within the County are maintained either by the Virginia Department of Transportation or Henrico County. Roadways which are designated as interstate routes (I-64, I-95, I-295,I-895, etc.) U.S. Highways (U.S. Route 250 – Broad Street; U.S. Route 60 – Williamsburg Road, etc.) and Virginia primary routes (Virginia Route 6 – Patterson Avenue; Virginia Route 5 – New Market Road, etc.) are maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation.

The Ashland Residency of the Virginia Department of Transportation can be contacted at 800-367-7623 or email [email protected] if you have comments or questions relating to State maintained roadways. All other public roadways within Henrico County are maintained by the Henrico County Department of Public Works. The Department of Public Works can be contacted at [email protected] or at 501-4393 if you have questions or need information about County maintained roads.

Map of Henrico County vs. VDOT Roads 

Emergency Snow Removal Page

Other Tasks Performed by Road Maintenance Page

Road Resurfacing Page


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